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How to get Group Policy permissions using powershell

Using PowerShell, we can query who has permissions to a given GPO or a list of GPOs. We can do this either using Quest Active Roles cmdlets or by using native cmdlets that comes along with Windows 7 installation. In this post, I am going to demonstrate and show you the native method. To use the native method, you must be running one of the following:

GPMC(or RSAT) installation also installs a powershell module called grouppolicy using which we can query the GPOs. Before start dealing with GPOs, we should import this module by using import-module GroupPolicy command.

Below is the sample code that helps you get permissions of a give a GPO.

function Get-GPOPermissions {            

import-module GroupPolicy            

$permsobj = Get-GPPermissions -Name $GPOName -All
foreach ($perm in $permsobj) {            

    $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
   GPOName  = $GPOName
   AccountName = $($
        AccountType = $($perm.trustee.sidtype.tostring())
        Permissions = $($perm.permission)
$obj | Select GPOName, AccountName, AccountType, Permissions            


Below is the sample output:

Hope this helps. I will continue writing some GPO related scripts in coming days.



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