Powershell: How to get Groups list of a computer account

One of my old friend/colleague called me to day for a small help. He is looking for script to get the list of active directory groups that a computer account is member of. Since this is a very basic requirement every System administrator will get, I wanted to post it in my blog.

So, the code described in this post uses Quest Active Directory powershell cmdlets. I can code using the dotnet objects or built-in activedirectory module in windows 7/2008 as well but since I wanted to make it more generic, I opted for Quest cmdlets. Another advantage is that even newbies can query AD with these tools efficiently.

Since I am using Quest AD cmdlets, you should down load them from and installed it on your computer. After installation, copy the below code into a file called Get-ComputerGroups.ps1 and run it from Quest AD shell(you can launch this from program files), as shown below.



$Groups = (Get-QADComputer -Id $ComputerName).Memberof            

$Groups | % {


[PS] C:\temp\Get-ComputerGroups.p1 -ComputerName MyPC1

Here -ComputerName parameter is mandatory.

Similarly, if you want to provide the computer names from text file and get the active directory group names of all of them, then use the below code.



$Computers = Get-Content $FilePath
foreach ($ComputerName in $Computers) {
    write-host "$ComputerName is memberOf following Groups"
    $Groups = (Get-QADComputer -Id $ComputerName).Memberof
    $Groups | % {



[PS] C:\> Get-ComputerGroups.ps1 -FilePath c:\temp\Computersfile.txt

If you want to redirect the output to a text file, just try the below command.

[PS] C:\> Get-ComputerGroups.ps1 -FilePath c:\temp\Computersfile.txt | Out-File c:\temp\output.txt

The output will be written to output.txt file.

Feel free to comment here if you have any doubts.


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