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Allow normal/domain users to add network printers in Windows 7

Windows needs to download and install a software driver from the \<servername> computer print to <printer-name>. Proceed only if you trust the \<servername> compuer and the network.

You might see above message with “UAC” prompt to install drivers while adding network printers from a windows 7 computer. This behavior is expected as normal users are not allowed to add network printers(drivers installation requires admin rights) in a Windows 7 environment.

To fix this, you need to enable below group policies with described settings.

Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Printers -> Point and Print Restrictions and it’s settings should look like below.

Before reaching this policy setting, I have gone through the options to allow device and class ID/GUIDs through GPOs(click here for details) but in vain as they are not fully developed for printers.

Happy learning..,
Sitaram Pamarthi

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  • woody April 2, 2011, 12:46 am

    Is this for server 2008 domains only? Is there any way to deploy this settings to Win7 machines in server 2003 domains, as I have started deploying a few Win7 machines on our domain which is a Windows 2003 native domain.

  • EvopsAdvolope April 2, 2011, 7:14 am

    Cheer help me to beget kitty

  • Sitaram Pamarthi April 2, 2011, 8:07 pm

    @ woody
    There is no problem in deploying these settings to windows 7 computers in a windows 2003 domain environment…

    Only thing you have to do is….
    1. Logon to a windows 7 computer with domain admin account
    2. Open GPMC (see http://techibee.com/windows-7/enabledisable-features-in-windows-7-from-command-line/172 to install GPMC if you don’t have)
    3. Create a new GPO and link it to windows 7 computer OU if you have created a dedicated one.
    4. Now edit the newly created GPO by following the procedure I described in the article


    PS: Disclaimer applicable(

    ) 🙂

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