I have upgraded Safari to v11 couple of days back and ever since I am noticing a strange problem while singing out of Gmail. I see the address that my connection is going to partner.andriod.com and sometimes seeing FORBIDDEN ERROR 403 message.

This experience is weird. I haven’t seen this even when I was using a android Phone. I tried from other browsers on mac like Chrome and Firefox and haven’t experienced this issue. It appears to be happening only from Safari.
I searched over web and many people are reporting about this issue. I suspect that Gmail is treating my safari as Andriod client for reason and redirecting to it? Could be a Safari Update problem? I suspect this at the moment.
I haven’t come across any solution for this problem either from Apple or from Google so far. I will update as soon I see something.
You managed to find a solution for this? Please post in the comments section, I will test and add it to the article for everyone’s benefit.
26-09-2017 Update:
One of my blog reader recommended reporting it to Google. It’s a good idea. The more people reports this issue and the visibility it gets. Apple should own this problem in my opinion, will report it to them and see what they say.

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It is a Safari 11 issue. No solution yet but everyone should go to here and click the star icon at the top, so that Google actually pays attention:
Do NOT post a “me too” post as so many hundreds of people have: that does NOT increase tie profile of this issue (that is what the star is for) and it just adds clutter that makes it hard for everyone else to find the solution when it is eventually posted.
This is clearly an Apple bug, but because Apple is so arrogant, we will actually have to get a workaround from Google (a change to gmail) to fix it.
i too see this problem.