Changing Event log size using powershell

Customizing the event log size is one other activity which system administrators want to do during the server/desktop build process. We do it for variety of reasons, be it for storing more events or a as part of standard process. The below one liner helps to you increase the log file size of your choice to desired value.

Limit-EventLog -LogName Application -MaximumSize 20MB

This command can be used for altering the custom event log file sizes. For example, if you want to change “Internet Explorer” log file size which is under “Applications and Services logs” on a windows 7/2008 system, use the below command

Limit-EventLog -LogName “Internet Explorer” -MaximumSize 30MB

Using this cmdlet, you can also work with event log sizes on remote computers as well. The -Computername parameter helps with for this.

Limit-EventLog -LogName Application -MaximumSize 20MB -Computername mypc1

For non powershell users, WevtUtil.exe can do this task. It is available on windows 7/2008 operating systems. See to learn more about it.

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