Check disk space of remote machine using PowerShell

[PLEASE USE to check free disk space of remote computer. I made it more advanced there.]

Earlier I have written a onliner to find out the disk space of remote machine. Few of my friends told me that it’s format is not good and can be improved. With the skills I have acquired these days in powershell, I made another attempt to re-write it, and this time it’s a function with some neat formatting.

Another improvement in this post is, here I am using SyntaxHighliter to give a nice view of my powershell code. Thanks to the author of this WP plug-in. This plug-in sucks. It is changing the format of my powershell code.

function Check-Diskspace {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$cred = Get-Credential
$DriveName1 = @{name=”DriveName”;Expression={$_.DeviceID+””}}
$TotalSpace = @{name=”Total Space”;expression = {($_.size/1GB).ToString(“0.00")+” GB"}}
$FreeSpace = @{name=”Free Space”;expression = {($_.FreeSpace/1GB).ToString(“0.00")+” GB”}}
gwmi -Class Win32_logicalDisk -filter “Drivetype=’3'” -computer $computer -credential $cred | Select $DriveName1, $TotalSpace, $FreeSpace | ft -auto
$cred = $null


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