Earlier I wrote a small code to get the CPU utilization of computer using powershell and performance counters. Recently a user posted a question to know the procedure to monitor CPU utilization and get a alert when CPU utilization exceeds a given threshold value.
So, I am writing this article to share the code for monitoring CPU utilization of a computer and report via email when it exceeds a given value.
At the beginning of the script there are a few variables which you need to adjust according to your requirement. They are self descriptive, so I feel no explanation is required. Also you should change the “From”, “To”, and “Server” parameters of “Send-MailMessage” cmdlet in script to receive email. Feel free to write to me if you have any questions.
Save the below code to a file and name it as “cpu-monitor.ps1” and run it on the computer you want. Script checks the CPU utilization for every 5 seconds for three times and reports if it finds CPU utilization is greater than given threshold value every time it measured.
$repeat_count = 3
$cpu_threshold = 85
$sleep_interval = 5
$hit = 0
foreach($turn in 1..$repeat_count) {
$cpu = (gwmi -class Win32_Processor).LoadPercentage
#write-host “CPU utilization is Currently at $cpu`%”
If($cpu -ge $cpu_threshold) {
$hit = $hit+1
start-sleep $sleep_interval
}if($hit -eq 3) {
write-host “CPU utilization is over threshold”Send-MailMessage –From cpumonitor@localdomain.com –To toaddress@yourdomain.com –Subject “CPU Utilization is more than $cpu_threshold`%” –Body “CPU Utilization is more than $cpu_threshold`%” –SmtpServer smtpserver.domain.com
} else {
write-host “CPU utilization is below threshold level”
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I am looking for a tool from which i can collect the CPU utilization logs daily
from windows 2008 server & 2003.
Please help me in this
Satish, why can’t you use PerfMon logs to do the job?
Hi, we are running a application in OC4J server. When i monitor using
Jconsole, i can see the graph the cpu usage is staying always more than 50%.
Some time it reach more more than 100% and get server error.
i want to monitor or find out what is keeping the CPU over 50% all that time.
is there any tool i can use to connect to remote server and monitor what process are hogging up the CPU.
thank you!
Hi, Similar to Siva, I am trying to throttle the cpu utilization of a hot process. I do this in Linux with cpulimit, http://cpulimit.sourceforge.net. How can I do this in PowerShell? Thx, Bill
Siva’s question is different. He want to know which process is taking high CPU on remote computer. I think this can be achieved by http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lv/winserverpowershell/thread/8d7502d4-9e67-43f7-94da-01755b719cf8. I haven’t tried it myself but let me how it goes.
Bill, you question is about limiting the CPU utilization of a process. I haven’t came across such tool so far in windows. I will try do some research and let you know if I come across any. The requirement is interesting.
$i = 1
$folder = Read-Host “What would you like to call the folder that you would like to save the Top Proccesses in?”
$docname = Read-Host “What would you like to name the text file?”
if ( -Not (Test-Path “c:\$folder”))
New-Item -Path “c:\$Folder” -ItemType directory | out-null
if ( -Not (Test-Path “c:\$folder\$docname”))
New-Item -Path “c:\$Folder\$docname.txt” -ItemType file -Force | out-null
$CPUPercent = @{
Name = ‘CPUPercent’
Expression = {
$TotalSec = (New-TimeSpan -Start $_.StartTime).TotalSeconds
[Math]::Round( ($_.CPU * 100 / $TotalSec), 2)
Get-Process |
Select-Object -Property Name, CPU, $CPUPercent, Description |
Sort-Object -Property CPUPercent -Descending |
where-object {$_.CPUPercent -gt 5} |
out-file -filepath c:\$Folder\$docname.txt -encoding ASCII -width 70 -Append
Start-Sleep -s 1
} while ($i -lt 6)
Write-Host ———————————————————————— -foregroundcolor “cyan”
Write-Host “Now wasn’t that fun.. Let’s See Whats in the file. :)” -foregroundcolor “cyan”
write-host ———————————————————————— -foregroundcolor “cyan”
Invoke-Item c:\$folder\$docname.txt
it’s helpful for prod environment.
But is it possible to get process name as well which is causing high CPU utilization.
How do i run this script ?
Copy & Paste the code into Powershell console. Is it not helping?
Hi, I try your script and I kept getting CPU utilization is below threshold level when I put cpu_threshold = 0…
I have been testing this script and it gives me the data I need however I need the script to repeat till the cpu threshold is reached but can’t seem to figure out how to do it.
Any ideas?
James, you can do it by altering $repeat_count variable. For example, if you want to run it for long time, say 10 hours. Then do 600/5 and result, 120, should be the value of $repeat_count variable.
I’m looking for a script which will monitor the CPU Usage,Memory Utilization of windows server.
Condition:- Email should be triggered at any point to end users when CPU and Memory usage crosses 75%.
I too am looking for such a script which Kalyan have requested, can someone help…
@Lucky, It is not available on this blog. Will try to get a article posted about this.
Works like a charm for me on a windows2008R2 server !
for newbies:
run this command first (one time):
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
to start the script:
PowerShell -NoExit “C:\scripts\script.ps1”
Hi sir ,
I wanted to ask about the send mail cmdlet , to how to setup in order to get notifed at gmail..pls explain how to configure