Mount a image file(WIM) using Powershell

Sometimes you are required to Mount WIM (Windows Image Format) files to perform actions like reading the content or updating the image itself. DISM.exe is a very good utility to perform these from command line.  Starting Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 Microsoft added a new PowerShell module called DISM. Now we will see how to use that module to mount a WIM image.

Mount-WindowsImage cmdlet in DISM module has the functionality to mount a WIM file to one of the directory on the file system.  You can run below command to mount install.wim file from installation media to c:\installsource folder.

Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath D:\Sources\Install.WIM -Index 2 -Path C:\InstallSource -ReadOnly


Here, D:\Sources\Install.WIM is the image file, Index is used to identify the OS from the list you have in image file. Path is to specify the mount directory on the file system. -ReadOnly specifies that no changes should be saved or committed to the WIM file.


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