Powershell: How to convert time zone from local time zone to another time zone

I was hit with this requirement today. I need to change date and time from my local system time zone to another time zone (say “Eastern Standard Time”). After some research I finally came up with below function which does what I need.

This function uses a dotnet class called [System.TimeZoneInfo] which had methods to see all timezones available local system, convert from one time zone to another, day light savings offsets and many more.

function Convert-TimeZone {            
        Converts given datetime from local time zone to another given time zone

        This function helps you to convert date time information from local time zone to another time zone.
    .Parameter DateTime
        A datetime object which needs to be converted to different time zone.
    .Parameter ToTimeZone    
        Name of the target time zone. If you don't have name of the target time zone, then try below command
        from powershell console which displays all available timezones that you can convert.

        Convert-TimeZone -DateTime (get-now) -ToTimeZone "Eastern Standard Time"
        NAME:      Convert-TimeZone
        AUTHOR:    Sitaram Pamarthi


 param (            

  [parameter( Mandatory=$true)]            
  [string]$ToTimeZone  = ([system.timezoneinfo]::UTC).id            


 $ToTimeZoneObj  = [system.timezoneinfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() | Where-Object {            
        $ -eq $ToTimeZone            

 if(!($ToTimeZoneObj)) {            
        Write-Error "Zone Conversion failed. Given timezone is not valid. Choose the target time zone from list of below given zones"            
 $TargetZoneTime  = [system.timezoneinfo]::ConvertTime($datetime, $ToTimeZoneObj)            

 $Output    = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{            
  LocalTime  = $datetime            
  LocalTimeZone = $(([system.timezoneinfo]::LOCAL).id)            
  TargetTime  = $TargetZoneTime            
  TargetTimeZone = $($            
 $Output | select LocalTime, LocalTimeZone, TargetTime, TargetTimeZone | ft            


Convert-TimeZone -DateTime (get-date) -ToTimeZone “Eastern Standard Time”


Hope this helps… soon I will try to come up with enhancement to this to convert date time from one time zone to another time zone irrespective of local system time zone.


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