Easy way to share your files/desktop with your friends.

I have come across a nice tool which I felt very useful for home users who wants to exchange their data with each other without the intervention of third party.

The general practices for sharing files with internet friends are sending through e-mail or sharing through some websites. All public sites are not as safe as we think. You can take rapid share site for example. Many search engines are available to search and report rapid share content. Though sharing through mail is very secure, size becomes the limitation here. I know, gmail support upto an attachment size of 25MB.

To make internet users happy, a new free aware called “Gbridge” was introduced by Gbridge LLC. The most impressing thing I found with this is, it’s integration with Gtalk for authentication service. Yes, you read it right. One need to use their gtalk ID for logging into this tool. After login this tool displays all your gtalk contacts and you can perform the following with your gtalk friends.

– Easy desktop Sharing using VNC and RDP(remember, this is not possible in normal scenario because all home internet connections will run under NAT service.)
– Easy file sharing (file transfer will happen from your computer to your friend computer and no other person can see this data in between)
– Chat with friends like you do with Gtalk
– Explore the tool for many more options

I personally felt that, this tool is very useful because of…

o It’s tight integration with Gtalk
o Easy sharing with without a third party intervention.
o Easy remote desktop sharing.

You can read FAQ’s for more clarity and download the tool from here.

Happy Learning…
Sitaram Pamarthi.

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