This post is based on my today’s learning.
Before I started using Powershell, shutdown.exe was the only command that I used to shutdown multiple remote computers. But I felt really inconvenient with it because, I had to use some batch scripting to shutdown multiple remote computers. Even till Powershell V2 I relied on this utility to shutdown multiple computers by wrapping some code around it.
Well, there is no problem with the usage, but for the first time I have seen a very useful option in this tool. That is GUI. I never knew that shutdown.exe has UI. I never knew it because, I never cared to read what this tool offers me by looking at command help. You might wonder what is so special about this UI.
So, dear system admins, The point I want to make is read the help message of a native tools carefully, they might ease your task. No need to always develop complex scripts/automation for simple tasks.
Look at the below screenshot.
Using this UI,
- You can shutdown multiple computers by pasting the list after selecting add button.
- You can shutdown all computers in a OU using a single click.
- You can shutdown, restart, and mimic a unexpected shutdown as well.
- You can set the timeout you want
- You can provide the reason for shutdown and comment as well. This goes to multiple computers
Hope this helps.. Happy learning…
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Anna…I have been using this from a very long time. (shutdown -i) but I thought everyone should be knowing this already. May be, I came to know this because I had many requirements in the past to restart multiple computers during ManageSoft package deployments 😉
I didn’t know that there is such option. May be that is because I used shutdown.exe very less. One lesson for you, “keep advertizing the stuff”. One lesson for me, “never ignore help message” 🙂