Disabling IE ESC(Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration) is one of the fist thing I do whenever I built a Windows 2003 machine. It will be little bit frustrating when you work on any web apps from a windows 2003 computer. Always you need to click on either close or add to safe list to browse through a site. I am not much bothered about it because mostly I use IE from server for accessing intranet applications which are safe in all ways for me.
Now in this Windows 2008 era, I am facing the same old problem again, and it took some time to figure out where the option for disabling IE ESC. Procedure is very simple compared to Windows 2003 provided you figure out where is the option to do it 🙂
Follow the below steps for disabling IE ESC:
- Logon to the windows 2008 with admin account.
- Open server Manger from administrator tools via start, programs
- In server manger MMC, select the root(sever manager(yourmachine)) in left navigation pane and look at the Security Information section.
- You will see a option to configure IE ESC in security section.

- Click on it and it will give options to disable/enable for administrators/users.

- Make your choice and click OK
You are done with your task.