FREE Kindle E-book: VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS technical deepdive is offering kindle version of VMWare VSphere 4.1 HA and DRS technical deepdive guide for free of cost. If you are a VMWare guy, go and get the copy if you don’t have it already.

Book Description:

VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical Deepdive zooms in on two key components of every VMware based infrastructure and is by no means a “how to” guide. It covers the basic steps needed to create a VMware HA and DRS cluster, but even more important explains the concepts and mechanisms behind HA and DRS which will enable you to make well educated decisions. This book will take you in to the trenches of HA and DRS and will give you the tools to understand and implement e.g. HA admission control policies, DRS resource pools and resource allocation settings. On top of that each section contains basic design principles that can be used for designing, implementing or improving VMware infrastructures. This book is also the ultimate guide to be prepared for any HA or DRS related questions and case studies that might be presented during VMware VCDX, VCP and or VCAP exams.

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