FREE: Try windows server 2012 in Azure for 90 days

Microsoft has announced 90 day free trail of Windows Server 2012 in their Azure environment. Per their description, you can deploy a windows server 2012 from their pre-built images and explore the features by just RDPing to the host.

I subscribed to this program today and here is what I got as part of trail.


If you want to try, follow the below steps.

Are you ready to try the Windows Server 2012 operating system in minutes with no test hardware required? Without downloading an ISO or VHD file or installing anything, you can be up and running in just a few steps.

Step 1 – Sign up for a FREE 90-day trial of Windows Azure

Step 2 – Deploy a Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine from our gallery of pre-built test images

Step 3 – Learn more about what you can do with Windows Server 2012 on Windows Azure

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