God Mode in Windows 7 — Is it really doing godly things?

Have you heard about “GOD Mode” in Windows 7? It sounds like a crazy and exciting stuff, right? Initially I felt the same when I came across this topic in one of technet support forums. After some reading I realized that is *not* exciting but a bit useful stuff.

Basically, when you view control panel, you will get few initial options and selecting one will take you inside and show you few more options which are under it. Basically its like a categorization. But with this “God Mode”, you can view all items in control panel in a single page. Nothing more.

Let’s see how to configure this in Windows 7 computer.

That’s sit. It converts the folder Icon to Control Panel Icon and clicking on which takes you to the single page view of all control panel items.

Well story not ended here. After trying above procedure, one question kept lingering in my mind — why it is called “God Mode” while it is not doing any “godly” things. I just replace the “God Mode” with my name — ha ha there is no change in functionality and it is still showing the things which it used to show when named as God mode. So there is no significance in that name and you can use any name you want but you should suffix it with the GUID which is related to control panel. Below is the sample screenshot which shows the view.

Hope this is somewhat informative for you guys…

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