Some scripts requires to be triggered from elevated powershell prompt based on what is being done in the script. In such cases, generally I use approaches like the one below. It uses a few dotnet classes to determine if the current shell is running in elevated mode or not.
$CurrentLogin = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $secprincipal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($CurrentLogin) $AdminRole=[System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator $IsAdmin=$secprincipal.IsInRole($AdminRole) if(-not $IsAdmin) { Write-Warning -Message "You are not running the script from non elevated shell. You need elevated shell to complete the tasks in the script" return } write-host "Staring the script execution"
While there is nothing wrong in using code like above, I came across a much nicer and easy way to do it. PowerShell has a key word called #requires which can be used to verify if the script is running from a elevated shell or not.
All you need to do is add the below line to starting of your script.
#requires -runasadministrator
So when such scripts are triggered from non elevated powershell prompt, you will see error message like below and your script execution will not start.
#requries has some more options using which we can verify if the shell is running a particular version of PowerShell or not and you can every verify if certain modules/snapins are imported or not.
You can get full help about requires statement by running command.
Get-Help About_requires
Thanks to PSTips from for making me learn this. 🙂
Hope this help and happy learning.